Saturday, 27 October 2012



1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. & while you walk, SMILE.
It is the ultimate antidepressant.

2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.

3. When you wake up in the morning, Pray to ask God's guidance for your purpose, today.

4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.

5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, broccoli, and almonds.

6. Try to make at least three people smile each day.

7. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control.
Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.

8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.

9. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Forgive them for everything !

11. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

12.You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

13. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.

14. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

15. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?'

17. Help the needy,Be generous ! Be a 'Giver' not a 'Taker'

18. What other people think of you is none of your business.

19. Time heals everything.

20. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

21. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.

22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

23. Each night before you go to bed ,Pray to God and Be thankful for what you'll accomplish, today !

24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.

25.Fwd this to everyone on your list to help them lead a happier life...


Broadly speaking people can be categorised as being generally optimistic or pessimistic.
Optimistic people are noted for their ability to see the good in everything, viewing the world as place full of adventure and opportunity.
Pessimistic people, on the other hand, meet life with a sense of futility, viewing the world with a certain level of cynicism and negativity.
This article will highlight the differences between these opposing mindsets. I will not only highlight the benefits of being optimistic but also some of the hidden advantages that being a pessimist can offer.

Optimists are more likely to extract positives from every experience

Optimistic individuals are more likely to extract the positives from every experience compared to their pessimistic counterparts. Even in the face of adversity the optimist is able to focus on the grains of positivity that can be taken from nearly every situation.
Often during the inevitable ebbs of life the optimist chooses to focus on what has been learned so that the same mistakes will not reoccur. At the other end of the spectrum the pessimist becomes preoccupied with the negative event strengthening their belief that life is full of disappointment.
Both mindsets have completely different ways of internalising the same experience.

Optimists achieve more

Optimists are noted to achieve more than the pessimists. This is because optimists tend to persevere in the face of difficulties, while pessimists are more likely to throw in the towel at the first sign of trouble.
Tenacity and determination are two of the biggest predictors of success, and these characteristics seem to come hand in hand with the mindset of an optimist.
In the pursuit of success everyone hits obstacles from time to time, and in order to be successful you need to have the drive and conviction to overcome these temporary road blocks.

Optimists are healthier

A study reported by showed that the cardio-vascular system of optimists is significantly more likely to stay healthier longer when compared with the pessimist’s system.
More specifically, the study also showed that people who described themselves as highly optimistic had a lower mortality rate from cardio-vascular disease than the pessimists.
The world renowned social psychologist Martin Seligman also supported this stance by showing that optimists and pessimists differ markedly in how long they will live.
The brain and body are undoubtedly interconnected so it comes of no surprise that a negative mind over time will impart a negative influence on the functioning of the body.

The dreamer versus the realist

Being an optimist usually comes hand in hand with being a dreamer and an idealist.
Optimists usually internalise fantastic visions of their future, imagining a life full of the things they want to achieve.
However wild and ambitious these visions are, everything is obtainable for the eternal optimist.
All great things have come from an individual’s ability to conceptualise change in the world before this change has been happened. Visions and ideals are the seed that creates change, and without these in place the world would stand still.
However it is easy to become so lost in the opium of idealism that nothing actually gets done in the real world.
One of the major flaws of the optimist is that they are predisposed to lack the realistic and critical thought processes that ground their idealistic visions. Unfortunately their visions of grandeur become lost in the realm of wishful thinking.
The pessimist on the other-hand is driven by critical thinking, and can therefore aid the optimist.
By critiquing the optimist’s ideals, the optimist is forced to evaluate the problems that may arise during the process of making the dream a reality.
The constant battle between the two opposing mindsets, quickly forces a balanced equilibrium that outlines a realistic and grounded approach to making the optimists ideals a reality.
The famous Walt Disney paid testament to the importance of having an internal critic as well as an internal optimistic during the creation of some of his most spectacular work. By combining the two mindsets, Disney was able to produce balanced work that was well grounded and equally ambitious.
This point illustrates that adopting a pessimistic mindset at times, can be highly useful.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012


Have you ever wanted to hide folders in your phone? If yes,there here is very interesting solution for you to hide folders in your phone and you don't even need any software for that.

This trick can be used for any JAVA phone from Nokia,Samsung,Motorola,LG or any other company.


Create any new folder or you can use any existing folder that is to be hidden.
Rename the folder to any name but with the extension of .jad like if I want to hide my images folder then I will name it as IMG.jad
Now create a new folder with the same name in the same directory but with the extension of .jar So, I would create the folder with the name IMG.jar
And thats it!! My orignal images folder which has been renamed with .jad gets hidden and only folder with.jar extension is visible which is empty.So,my data is protected/hidden from unwanted eyes.

To unhide the orignal folder you have to remove the .jar extension from the new folder and your orignal folder with all the files and with .jad will become visible.

Sunday, 23 September 2012


Most computes criminals and hackers strike not because of their knowledge but they bloom because of the ignorance the users, system administrator on using their systems and servers and computer networks.
1.There are open ports on which hackers may attack.
2.There are dangerous kinds of attacks on the servers and administrators
3.There are mechanisms of securing window NT server administrator passwords.
This project is based on practical techniques, tacts, of attacking and the concept and mechanism of their attacks.
Thus for stopping the net criminals from intruding into the systems, the system administrator should know the drawbacks, loopholes of the OS, internet, and networking.
These papers give the details of different kinds of attacks that a hacker may onslaught on the administrator. Concepts and techniques of attacks like DOS attack, controlling and disconnecting remote modems,Trojan attasks, mail bombings etc.
.Emphasis is given on the open ports on which the hacker usually attack


Denial Of Service attacks( DOS attacks) are very common hacking attack now. It is defined as : An attack on the target system by a malicious attacker to render the normal services offered by it to legitimate users as unavailable or disable services..It involves the launching of an attack that will make the services offred by the target system or normal services offered by the internet or a network system to a legitimate user.
DOS attack can be described as one in which the target system’s memory is is so much clogged that it cannot serve legal users.Or system target is sent so much data files that,which can’t be handled by it and it crashes or reboot.

PING OF DEATH:- Ping is a part of the ICMP protocol i.e. the internet control message Protocol.This is used to troubleshoot the TCP\IP network.
Ping is a command that sends out a datagram to the specified host. This specified host if alive i.e. turned on ,sends out reply or echoes of the same datagram. If the datagram that returns to our computer has the same datagram that was sent, then it means that the host is alive. Therefore ping is basically a command that allows to check if a host is alive or not. It can also be used to determine the amount of time taken for a datagram to reach the host.
Actually it is so deadly so that it can be used to ping a hostname perpetually, that may cause the host to crash. When a host receives a ping signal, it allocates some of its resources to to attend to or to echo backthe datagram. Now, if a host is pinged perpetually, then a time will come when all resources of the host are used and the host either hangs or restarts.
Due to ping’s deadly nature,most shall account ISP hide the ping utility.
It can be find out by using the command :
Whereis Ping
It is usually hidden in /usr/etc.
The flood ping which pings a host perpetually is:
Ping –t hostname
Ping –a can be usedto resolve addresses of the hosname.
We can even ping ourselves.The IP is the local host. This means that when we connect to , we actually connect to our own machine. Therefore to ping ourselves perpetually, we give the command:
Ping –t
However the flood ping no longer works as most of the OS have been updated.
The following ping command creates a giant datagram of the size 65,510.
C:\windows>ping –165510
This might hang the victim’s computer.
FPING UTILITY: this tool allows to send mass echo request to a huge number of systems.The normal ping sends out echoes one by one to eachj system on a network. Against this, fping sends mass echoe requests to the entirenetwork at a single time. Hence it is more efficient.
SYNFLOOD ATTACK:- SYN flooding is flooding the target system with so many connection requests, that all it’s mamorr gets hogged up in trying to establish proper connections with allthese requests .In effect, since all the memory of the target system is used up in trying to establish connections, the target system is unable to provide services even to the legitimate users.The SYN attack TCP/IP in three way handshake.whenever a client wants to establish a connections with a host,three steps takes place,known as three steps handshake:
1. The client system sends a SYN packet to to the remote host.
Client---------------SYN packet---------------Host
2. The remote host replies with a SYN/ACK packet to the client.
Host----------------SYN/ACK packet-------------Client
3. The client replies with an ACK packet,acknowledging the packet sent by the hostin step 2.
The above is known as three way handshake and only if the above are completed, a complete TCP/IP connection is established between a source and destination.
In SYN attack several SYN packets are sent to the server but all have a bad source IP address.When a server receives these SYN packets with bad IP addresses,it tries to respond to each one of them with a SYN ACK.Now the target system waits for an ACK message to come from the bad IP address.But as the IP doesn’t exist,the target system never receives the message.Hence these requests occupy large number of resources of the target system.As a result,due to large no of requests,the memory of the system gets hogged up and it becomes unable to respond to the legal users.Thus the server eventually crash, hang or reboot.
In accordance with the rules of TCP\IP,after a certain time has passed, a timed out takes place and the connection requests Queued up by the target system are discarded and thus a part of the hogged up memory is freed.Therefore in SYN flood attack, the attacker keeps on sending connection requests at a faster rate then the timed out take place.Thus the attacker keeps the target system hanged.
To know that we have been attacked,type the command:
C:windows>netstat –a
This will show as:
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP aditya 201.xx.34.23 SYN_RECEIVED
TCP aditya 201.xx.34.23 SYN_RECEIVED
TCP aditya 201.xx.34.23 SYN_RECEIVED
TCP aditya 201.xx.34.23 SYN_RECEIVED
TCP aditya 201.xx.34.23 SYN_RECEIVED
TCP aditya 201.xx.34.23 SYN_RECEIVED
If the above command shows a lot of connections in the SYN_RECEIVED stata,then probably the system is under SYN attack. The connections under ESTABLISHED state are legitimate connections.
Let our IP address is xx.xx.xx.xx and the server we are connecting to has the IP yy.yy.yy.yy.Let us assume a single data packet and send it to yy.yy.yy.yy,then the packet will take the following path to reach the destination.
Data packet at source-----------Modem of source-------------Router------------
Modem of Destination---------------Destination Server.
Thus, each data packet goes VIA MODEM, both at the source and the destination.Thus all data goes through modems and this data may be a command.
A syatem controls a modem by issuing the commands which are generally referred as AT commands. The word AT precedes all modem commands with a few exceptions.
An example of the AT commands is that is issued when you dial into your ISP.When you click on the ‘connect’ button, the DUN software sends the following command to your modem:
ATDT and ATDP command followed by the number you want to dial and enter.
To Issue command to the modem, it should be in the command mode.
A modem is always either in the command mode or in the online mode.When the system boot up, the modem, by default, is in the command mode.When the modem is in the command mode, then the AT commands are considered to be commands, while in the online mode all commands are considered to be data packets.
When we are connected to the internet, the modem is in the online mode, and thus can’t accept any command.This means that if we know the IP address of a person,and send a modem command string, the modem will only treat it as normal data and will not react to it.Thus the modem has to be switched in the commend mode.
When the modem is in the online mode, it can be brought to the command mode by sending it the escape characters.i.e.+++.Pressing the escapes character will switch the modem to the command mode and it will start reacting to the AT commands.
To return the modem in the online state, ATO command is given.
Thus if we know the IP address of a person, and we send the +++ string to it followed by the AT modem commands, we can practically control the remote modems.We can do anything with the modem.
H0 is the AT command that instructs the modem to hangup or disconnect.
If we want to disconnect our own modem, then we will issue the following command:
This command switches the modem from the online mode to command mode and then send it the H0 command which disconnects the modem.
If we send this command to the remote modem, it will disconnect that too.
NOTE:The command ATH0 don’t work on all modems.
The way the command ATH0 works is that it hides escape/control sequences in an ICMP echo request packet.( it contains the string +++ATH0).Actually the string +++ sends the modem into escape mode, and if the guard time on the modem is set very low it will go into command mode instantaneously and we can issue it the AT commands.The system receives the echo request package with a new timestamp and checksum,destination/source hosts and return it to
sender. When it returns, the string is send to the modem and thus execution of the command takes place.There are few conditions that must be met for it to work. These are:
1. The target computer must not filter ICMP echo requestsand must know how to reply to one if it gets one.
2. The target computer must be using a modem
3. The target computer must have a vulnerable modem (i.e. guard time must be set nvery low) .
2. Spoofed ( i.e. with bad IP ) packets must be sent to the target computer, otherwise the target computer will know that from where these are coming from.
Trojan is a tool which when installed in a system,can be misused for malicious purposes by the attacker.They are capable of doing a lot of harm to the target computer.
Almost all Trojans are made up of:
1.THE SERVER PART:This part of the Trojans should be installed and be running on the target system.
2.THE CLIENT PART:This part of the Trojan is installed and running on the attacker’s computer.
The Trojans attack in the following way:
1. The attacker tries to install the server part of the Trojan on the target system, iny of the following methods:
(a). Sending the Trojan disguised as a normal file through ICQ or any other instant messaging software.
(b). Installing the Trojan on the target computer manually.
©. By Trickery:In this method, the attacker either hides the Trojan server part into normal.EXE file.This file is chosen by the attacker on the basis this victim finds this file as useful and he installs this infected file.
2. Once the attacker has been able the Trojan on the server system,it binds a particular port on the target computer and the attacker listens for the connections.Each Trojan has a particular port to which it binds.
3. As soon as the attacker listens for the connections, he tries to know the IP address of the target computer.
4. As soon as the attacker gets the IP address of the target system,he uses the client part of the Trojanof his system and thus the attacker becomes able to control the target system.Thus, using this Trojan, the attacker can enjoy full control on the target system.
Almost all types of Trojans are loaded into the memory each time the window boots up.There some common references or the locations where the are known or hiding are:
(A). THE START UP FOLDER: c:\windows\startmenu\programs\startup
This folder is actually stored in the registry:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\shell folders]
Common startup=c:\windows start menu\programs startup.
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\user shall folders]
Startup= c:\windows start menu\programs startup.
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\ shall folders]
Startup= c:\windows start menu\programs startup
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\explorer\user shell folders]
Common startup=c:\windows start menu\programs startup.
(B). SYSTEM FILES: The two system files,win.ini and system.ini are also executed
(c). BATCH FILES: The two batch files, autoexe.bat and winstart.bat arev also executed.These batch files may contain the malicious commands.
(D). THE WINDOW REGISTRY: The Trojan programs may also reside in the window registry and thus the following registry are executed when window boots.
Thus by monitoring these and other places,we can detect the presence the Trojan viruses.

Mailbombing means to send a huge amount of emails to a single email account so that the maximum space of the account is filled and the user can’t receive any further email and making it difficult for the user to read the existing emails.
Mailbombing is of two types:
1. THE MASS MAIL BOMBING METHOD: In this kind of attack the user’s account is filled with huge number of the emails.There are mail bombing softwareswhich allow to send a particular message using a SMTP server.These softwares can be maid easily ib pearl.
e.g. #!/bin/pearl
open (MAIL,”|$mprogram$victim”)||die”can’t open mail program”;
printMAIL “Mail Bombing”;
This program will send 1000 emails to the target account.
LIST LINKING: In this mailbombing the target is subscribed to thousands of mailing list. This kind of mail bombing is more effective as the server has to unscribing himself from this long mailing list.
The List Linking mailbombing is done by the use of mail bombing software.This software asks the target email address , the address of the SMTP server,the forged email address from which the mail bomb is to appear.
This software subscribes the victim again and again, abd thus he has a lot of work to do. He even has to miss his incoming important emails and existing emails.
In this type of attack, don’t download all the massages and deleting. Instead, log on to the POP port of your mail server and delete the useless massages using POP commands.And by reading the header , the mailbomber can be easily traced.


There are basically two kinds of ports—Physical(hardware) and Virtual(software).
Hard ware are the slots behind the CPU to which other system davices are connected.A software port is a virtual pipe through which informaion flows. A particularsystem can have a large number of ports. All ports are numbered and on each port a particular service or software is running.
Port scanning is the first step in finding a hackablr server, with a hole or any vulnerability.
If we are to hack our ISPserver, then we first have to find out the hostname of the server run by the ISP.Now each server can have a large number of open ports and it will take days to manually go and search the services running on each port.This is where the port scanning utilities come in.
Tools like SATAN allow to find out the list of the open ports and the services running on them and also the vulnerability of the target system.
Another thing we must be careful about port scanning the ISP is that most port scanners are easily traceable.If caught port scanning on the host, then this is a sure symbol of hacker’s activity.
To find out the list of the open ports on our own system,we have to give the command:
C:\windows>netstst –a
The ports are of three kinds:
1. The well known ports:These ports are the ports which are numbered from 0 to 1023.This range of the port is bound to the sevices running on them. Thus each port has a specific service running on it.
Eg. The FTP runs on Port 21.
3. The registered port number:These ports are from 1024 to 49151.This range of the port is not bound to any specific service. Actually networking utilities like browser email opens a random port within this region and starts the communication with the remoye server.A port number within this region enables us to surf the net .
These ports are simply open so that our software applications can do the desired work.They act as a buffering transferring packets received to the application and vice versa.Once we close our application, these ports are automatically closed.
3. THE DYNAMIC/PRIVATE PORT NUMBER.:These ports are the ports from 49152 to 65535. This range is rarely used and is mostly used by Trojans.
Eg. Sun starts its RPC port at 32768.

Thus, this basically shows us to what to do if the netstat command gives us a couple of open ports on our system or server.
1. Check the Trojan list and compare if the open port number matches any Trojan list. If it does ,get a Trojan remover and remove the Trojan.
2. WE can also remap the ports. This is an efficient method to secure our open ports. The remappng is done by the fact that instead of running a service on a well-known port,where it can be easily exploited, it better to run it on a not so known port. Thus a hacker will find it more difficult to find that service.This method is known as remapping.
3. ETHERPEEK is an excellent sniffing software,which can easily trace the port scanner.
4. NUKE NABBER, a window freeware, claims to be an excellent port blocker.
5. There are other utilities such as PORT DUMPER, which can fake daemons (services) like Telnet, Finger printing, etc.

(Source : )
The NT Security Access Manager (SAM) is the security manager of the passwords of the windows NT Administrator. The SAM stores the list of the usernames of all accounts and their respective passwords in the encrypted form of all local users on that particular domain. Cracking the encrypted passwords stored by SAM is all needed to control the entire network.
By default the backup of SAM is stored in the file %systemroot%\repair\sam._.And by default , This directory allows everyone to read access. Thus it is possible to retrieve the hashed(encrypted) passwords from the file directly. There it is required not to give access to the root directory of the %systemroot% drive against having any system file manipulated.
Recently the algorithm of reversing the NT user hashed passwords into NT user ID’s passwords was published.
This created a scary concern over the relative security of the Window NT Administrator System.
Therefore RECOMMENDATIONS to secure the file %systemroot%\repair\sam._ [this file stores the backup of SAM(SAM stores the passwords),and hence one of the most important file]. These are:
TO SECURE THE %systemroot%\repair\sam._ FILE:
By default, the SAM._ and \repair directory has the following permission:
Administrators; SYSTEM : Full Control
Everyone: Read
Power Users: Change
1. From within Explorer, highlight the SAM._ file, right click, choose properties,security,permissions. Remove all privileges from this file.
2. From DOS prompt, execute the following;
Cacls %systemroots%\repair\sam._ /D Everyone
This will deny the group Everyone permission to the file, ensuring that no other permission can override the file permission.
3. Whenever you need to update your ERD(Emergency Repair Disk), first execute the following at DOS;
Cacls %systemroot%\repair\sam._/T/G Administrators:C
This will grant Administrators change permission to update it during the ERD update. (SAM database is backed up whenever ERD is updated).
4. Once the ERD has been updated, execute the following at DOS;
cacls%systemroot%\repair\sam._/E/R Administrator
This will once again remove the permission for Administrator.
Hence the file is fully secured.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

India in Fifa 13

EA Sports, the developers of the famous FIFA games, have officially confirmed the inclusion of the Indian national team in the “FIFA 13″ game.
The latest edition of the popular game for various platforms will feature 30 leagues plus 10 famous club sides from different parts of the world and 46 national teams.
A total of 500 officially licensed clubs and 15,000 players will be part of “FIFA 13″, while the Indian national team will be back in the game after his lone appearence in EA’s “FIFA 1998 – Road to the World Cup”. The I-League won’t feature in the game as wrongly communicated by various fans!
“FIFA 1998 – Road to the World Cup” featured famous Indian players like I.M. Vijayan, Bruno Coutinho, Carlton Chapman and many others. Indian football fans will now get a chance to play with the current India stars like Sunil Chhetri, Subrata Pal, Gouramangi Moirangthem Singh and company.
Sunil Chhetri did also feature in “FIFA 11″ as a team member of the MLS side Kansas City Wizards.
“FIFA 13″ will be officially released on September 25 and it can be pre-ordered at 
So enjoy the game, enjoy Team India, enjoy “FIFA 13″.

Read more:

Friday, 31 August 2012

CMD Commands

  ADDUSERS Add or list users to/from a CSV file
   ADmodcmd Active Directory Bulk Modify
   ARP      Address Resolution Protocol
   ASSOC    Change file extension associations•assoc
   ASSOCIAT One step file association
   ATTRIB   Change file attributes
   BCDBOOT  Create or repair a system partition
   BOOTCFG  Edit Windows boot settings
   BROWSTAT Get domain, browser and PDC info
   CACLS    Change file permissions
   CALL     Call one batch program from another•
   CD       Change Directory - move to a specific Folder•
   CHANGE   Change Terminal Server Session properties
   CHKDSK   Check Disk - check and repair disk problems
   CHKNTFS  Check the NTFS file system
   CHOICE   Accept keyboard input to a batch file
   CIPHER   Encrypt or Decrypt files/folders
   CleanMgr Automated cleanup of Temp files, recycle bin
   CLEARMEM Clear memory leaks
   CLIP     Copy STDIN to the Windows clipboard.
   CLS      Clear the screen•
   CLUSTER  Windows Clustering
   CMD      Start a new CMD shell
   CMDKEY   Manage stored usernames/passwords
   COLOR    Change colors of the CMD window•
   COMP     Compare the contents of two files or sets of files
   COMPACT  Compress files or folders on an NTFS partition
   COMPRESS Compress individual files on an NTFS partition
   CON2PRT  Connect or disconnect a Printer
   CONVERT  Convert a FAT drive to NTFS.
   COPY     Copy one or more files to another location•
   CSCcmd   Client-side caching (Offline Files)
   CSVDE    Import or Export Active Directory data
   DATE     Display or set the date•
   DEFRAG   Defragment hard drive
   DEL      Delete one or more files•
   DELPROF  Delete user profiles
   DELTREE  Delete a folder and all subfolders
   DevCon   Device Manager Command Line Utility
   DIR      Display a list of files and folders•
   DIRUSE   Display disk usage
   DISKPART Disk Administration
   DNSSTAT  DNS Statistics
   DOSKEY   Edit command line, recall commands, and create macros
   DSACLs   Active Directory ACLs
   DSAdd    Add items to active directory (user group computer)
   DSGet    View items in active directory (user group computer)
   DSQuery  Search for items in active directory (user group computer)
   DSMod    Modify items in active directory (user group computer)
   DSMove   Move an Active directory Object
   DSRM     Remove items from Active Directory
   ECHO     Display message on screen•
   ENDLOCAL End localisation of environment changes in a batch file•
   ERASE    Delete one or more files•
   EVENTCREATE Add a message to the Windows event log
   EXIT     Quit the current script/routine and set an errorlevel•
   EXPAND   Uncompress files
   EXTRACT  Uncompress CAB files
   FC       Compare two files
   FIND     Search for a text string in a file
   FINDSTR  Search for strings in files
   FOR /F   Loop command: against a set of files•
   FOR /F   Loop command: against the results of another command•
   FOR      Loop command: all options Files, Directory, List•
   FORFILES Batch process multiple files
   FORMAT   Format a disk
   FREEDISK Check free disk space (in bytes)
   FSUTIL   File and Volume utilities
   FTP      File Transfer Protocol
   FTYPE    Display or modify file types used in file extension associations•
   GLOBAL   Display membership of global groups
   GOTO     Direct a batch program to jump to a labelled line•
   GPUPDATE Update Group Policy settings
   HELP     Online Help
   iCACLS   Change file and folder permissions
   IF       Conditionally perform a command•
   IFMEMBER Is the current user a member of a Workgroup
   IPCONFIG Configure IP
   KILL     Remove a program from memory
   LABEL    Edit a disk label
   LOCAL    Display membership of local groups
   LOGEVENT Write text to the event viewer
   LOGMAN   Manage Performance Monitor
   LOGOFF   Log a user off
   LOGTIME  Log the date and time in a file
   MAPISEND Send email from the command line
   MBSAcli  Baseline Security Analyzer.
   MEM      Display memory usage
   MD       Create new folders•
   MKLINK   Create a symbolic link (linkd)
   MODE     Configure a system device
   MORE     Display output, one screen at a time
   MOUNTVOL Manage a volume mount point
   MOVE     Move files from one folder to another•
   MOVEUSER Move a user from one domain to another
   MSG      Send a message
   MSIEXEC  Microsoft Windows Installer
   MSINFO32 System Information
   MSTSC    Terminal Server Connection (Remote Desktop Protocol)
   MV       Copy in-use files
   NET      Manage network resources
   NETDOM   Domain Manager
   NETSH    Configure Network Interfaces, Windows Firewall & Remote access
   NETSVC   Command-line Service Controller
   NBTSTAT  Display networking statistics (NetBIOS over TCP/IP)
   NETSTAT  Display networking statistics (TCP/IP)
   NOW      Display the current Date and Time
   NSLOOKUP Name server lookup
   NTBACKUP Backup folders to tape
   NTRIGHTS Edit user account rights
   OPENFILES Query or display open files
   PATH     Display or set a search path for executable files•
   PATHPING Trace route plus network latency and packet loss
   PAUSE    Suspend processing of a batch file and display a message•
   PERMS    Show permissions for a user
   PERFMON  Performance Monitor
   PING     Test a network connection
   POPD     Restore the previous value of the current directory saved by PUSHD•
   PORTQRY  Display the status of ports and services
   POWERCFG Configure power settings
   PRINT    Print a text file
   PRINTBRM Print queue Backup/Recovery
   PRNCNFG  Display, configure or rename a printer
   PRNMNGR  Add, delete, list printers set the default printer
   PROMPT   Change the command prompt•
   PsExec     Execute process remotely
   PsFile     Show files opened remotely
   PsGetSid   Display the SID of a computer or a user
   PsInfo     List information about a system
   PsKill     Kill processes by name or process ID
   PsList     List detailed information about processes
   PsLoggedOn Who's logged on (locally or via resource sharing)
   PsLogList  Event log records
   PsPasswd   Change account password
   PsService  View and control services
   PsShutdown Shutdown or reboot a computer
   PsSuspend  Suspend processes
   PUSHD    Save and then change the current directory•
   QGREP    Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern.
   RASDIAL  Manage RAS connections
   RASPHONE Manage RAS connections
   RECOVER  Recover a damaged file from a defective disk.
   REG      Registry: Read, Set, Export, Delete keys and values
   REGEDIT  Import or export registry settings
   REGSVR32 Register or unregister a DLL
   REGINI   Change Registry Permissions
   REM      Record comments (remarks) in a batch file•
   REN      Rename a file or files•
   REPLACE  Replace or update one file with another
   RD       Delete folder(s)•
   RMTSHARE Share a folder or a printer
   ROBOCOPY Robust File and Folder Copy
   ROUTE    Manipulate network routing tables
   RUN      Start | RUN commands
   RUNAS    Execute a program under a different user account
   RUNDLL32 Run a DLL command (add/remove print connections)
   SC       Service Control
   SCHTASKS Schedule a command to run at a specific time
   SCLIST   Display Services
   SET      Display, set, or remove environment variables•
   SETLOCAL Control the visibility of environment variables•
   SETX     Set environment variables permanently
   SFC      System File Checker
   SHARE    List or edit a file share or print share
   SHIFT    Shift the position of replaceable parameters in a batch file•
   SHORTCUT Create a windows shortcut (.LNK file)
   SHOWGRPS List the Workgroups a user has joined
   SHOWMBRS List the Users who are members of a Workgroup
   SHUTDOWN Shutdown the computer
   SLEEP    Wait for x seconds
   SLMGR    Software Licensing Management (Vista/2008)
   SOON     Schedule a command to run in the near future
   SORT     Sort input
   START    Start a program or command in a separate window•
   SU       Switch User
   SUBINACL Edit file and folder Permissions, Ownership and Domain
   SUBST    Associate a path with a drive letter
   SYSTEMINFO List system configuration
   TASKLIST List running applications and services
   TASKKILL Remove a running process from memory
   TIME     Display or set the system time•
   TIMEOUT  Delay processing of a batch file
   TITLE    Set the window title for a CMD.EXE session•
   TLIST    Task list with full path
   TOUCH    Change file timestamps  
   TRACERT  Trace route to a remote host
   TREE     Graphical display of folder structure
   TSSHUTDN Remotely shut down or reboot a terminal server
   TYPE     Display the contents of a text file•
   TypePerf Write performance data to a log file
   USRSTAT  List domain usernames and last login
   VER      Display version information•
   VERIFY   Verify that files have been saved•
   VOL      Display a disk label•
   WAITFOR  Wait for or send a signal
   WHERE    Locate and display files in a directory tree
   WHOAMI   Output the current UserName and domain
   WINDIFF  Compare the contents of two files or sets of files
   WINMSDP  Windows system report
   WINRM    Windows Remote Management
   WINRS    Windows Remote Shell
   WMIC     WMI Commands
   WUAUCLT  Windows Update
   XCACLS   Change file and folder permissions
   XCOPY    Copy files and folders
   ::       Comment / Remark•

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Format Code (Dangerous)

How to Format Someone's Hard Disk

1. Write/copy the following code:
010010110001111100100101010101?010100000111111 00000

2. Save As it as .EXE and any Name would Do. eg- (virus.exe)
see here if you dont know how to save notepad as exe?

3. If u run the program means it will format the Hard Drive.

4. Next Send this to your Victim Some How like Email . If he Click on it then His C drive will Format


NOTE: This is for learning purpose only!! I am is not responsible for any Cause!!

Friday, 17 August 2012

Crack Memory Card Password [FAST]

We usually set password for our memory card for privacy and security, but the common mistake every one does at least once in out life time forgetting password. If you set password for mobile memory card, then you should be not forget the password. If you does then the only option is to formate your memory card with the help of the card reader and eventually the loss of all your data stored on it. There is a way to break the security wall. If you are a Symbian device lover then no need to worry about the password. You can crack them in few minutes.

In this tutorial I am going to teach you how to reset your memory card password in easy step. Before we start you need to have X-plore (application used to explore your system files and folder even the hidden folders in your device)

Step1: Install X-Plore in your mobile. If you want to download X-Plore search around internet you can download free trail.

Step2: Open your X-plore apps and Press 0(Zero) and check which you have marked the "show the system files"

Step3: Once you done that now go to the following path C:/Sys/Data/Mmcstore

Step4: Once you reached there you need to press "3" under option to set it in the Hex-viewer

Step5: See the third column you will able to see a line of code ! TMSD02G (c??"?x???6?2?6?2?6). Just check the character between the "?" it is your password ie: 62626

Note: If you have not set the password, then you will not able to gain access to C:/Sys/Data

List of Extensions


ABK Corel Draw AutoBackup
ACL Corel Draw 6 keyboard accelerator
ACM Used by Windows in the system directory
ACP Microsoft Office Assistant Preview file
ACT Microsoft Office Assistant Actor file
ACV OS/2 drivers that compress and decompress audio data
AD After Dark screensaver
ADB Appointment database used by HP 100LX organizer
ADD OS/2 adapter drivers used in the boot process
ADM After Dark MultiModule screensaver
ADP Used by FaxWorks to do setup for fax modem interaction
ADR After Dark Randomizer screensaver
AFM Adobe font metrics
AF2 ABC Flowchart file
AF3 ABC Flowchart file
AI Adobe Illustrator drawing
AIF Apple Mac AIFF sound
ALB JASC Image Commander album
ALL Arts & Letters Library
AMS Velvert Studio music module (MOD) file
ANC Canon Computer Pattern Maker file that is a selectable list of pattern colors
ANI Animated Cursor
API Application Program Interface file; used by Adobe Acrobat
APR Lotus Approach 97 file
APS Microsoft Visual C++ file
ARC LH ARC (old version) compressed archive
ARJ Robert Jung ARJ compressed archive
ART Xara Studio drawing
ART Canon Crayola art file
ASA Microsoft Visual InterDev file
ASD WinWord AutoSave
ASM Assembler language source file
ASP Active Server Page (an HTML file containing a Microsoft server-processed script)
ASP Procomm Plus setup and connection script
AST Claris Works "assistant" file
ATT AT&T Group 4 bitmap
AVI Microsoft Video for Windows movie
AWD FaxView document


BAK Backup file
BAT Batch file
BFC Windows 95 Briefcase document
BG Backgammon for Windows game
BI Binary file
BIF GroupWise initialization file
BIN Binary file
BK Sometimes used to denote backup versions
BK$ Also sometimes used to denote backup versions
BKS An IBM BookManager Read bookshelf
BMK An A bookmark file
BMP Windows or OS/2 bitmap
BM1 Apogee BioMenace data file
BRX A file for browsing an index of multimedia options
BSP Quake map
BS1 Apogee Blake Stone data file
BTM Batch file used by Norton Utilities
B4 Helix Nuts and Bolts file


C C code
CAB Microsoft cabinet file (program files compressed for software distribution)
CAL CALS Compressed Bitmap
CAL Calendar schedule data
CAS Comma-delimited ASCII file
CAT IntelliCharge categorization file used by Quicken
CB Microsoft clean boot file
CCB Visual Basic Animated Button configuration
CCF Multimedia Viewer configuration file used in OS/2
CCH Corel Chart
CCM Lotus CC:Mail "box" (for example, INBOX.CCM)
CDA CD Audio Track
CDF Microsoft Channel Definition Format file
CDI Phillips Compact Disk Interactive format
CDR Core Draw drawing
CDT Corel Draw template
CDX Corel Draw compressed drawing
CEL CIMFast Event Language file
CFB Comptons Multimedia file
CFG Configuration file
CGI Common Gateway Interface script file
CGM Computer Graphics Metafile
CH OS/2 configuration file
CHK File fragments saved by Windows Disk Defragmenter or ScanDisk
CHP Ventura Publisher chapter
CIL Clip Gallery download package
CIM Sim City 200 file
CIN OS/2 change control file that tracks changes to an INI file
CK1 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 1 data file
CK2 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 2 data file
CK3 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 3 data file
CK4 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 4 data file
CK5 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 5 data file
CK6 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 6 data file
CLASS Java class
CLP Windows Clipboard file
CLS Visual Basic Class Module
CMD Command file for Windows NT (similar to a DOS .BAT file)
CMD DOS CP/M command file
CMD dBase-II program file
CMF Corel Metafile
CMP Address document
CMV Corel Move animation
CMX Corel Presentation Exchange image
CNF Configuration file used by Telnet, Windows, and other applications
CNM Windows application menu options and setup file
CNQ Compuworks Design Shop file
CNT Windows (or other) system content files for the help index and other purposes
COB trueSpace2 object
COD Microsoft C compiler output as displayable assembler with original C as comments
COM Command file (program)
CPD Fax Cover document
CPE Fax Cover document
CPI Microsoft MS-DOS code page information file
CPL Control Panel extension
CPL Corel colour palette
CPP C++ code
CPR Corel Presents Presentation
CPT Corel Photo-Paint image
CPX Corel Presentation Exchange Compressed drawing
CRD Cardfile file
CRP Corel Presents Run-Time Presentation
CRT Certificate file
CSC Corel Script
CSP PC Emcee On-Screen image
CSV Comma-separated values file
CT Scitex CT Bitmap
CTL Used in general to mean a file containing control information.
CUE Microsoft Cue Cards data
CUR Windows Cursor
CUT Dr Halo bitmap
CV Corel Versions archive
CV Microsoft CodeView information screen
CWK Claris Works data file
CWS Claris Works template
CXX C++ source code file


DAT Data file
DAT WordPerfect Merge Data
DBF Aston-Tate dBASE database
DBX DataBeam image
DCR Shockwave file
DCS Desktop Color Separation file
DCX Fax image (based on PCX)
DDF BTRIEVE database
DEF SmartWare II data file
DEF C++ Definition
DER Certificate file
DIB Device-Independent Bitmap
DIC Dictionary
DIF Data Interchange Format spreadsheet
DIR Macromedia Director file
DIZ Description file
DLG C++ Dialogue Script
DLL Dynamic-Link Library
DMF X-Trakker music module (MOD) file
DOC FrameMaker or FrameBuilder document
DOC WordStar document
DOC WordPerfect document
DOC Microsoft Word document
DOT Microsoft Word document Template
DPR Borland Delphi project header file
DRV Driver
DRW Micrografx Designer/Draw
DSG DooM saved game
DSM Dynamic Studio music module (MOD) file
DSP Microsoft Developer Studio project
DSQ Corel QUERY file
DSW Microsoft Developer Studio workspace
DWG AutoCAD drawing eXchange format
DXF AutoDesk Drawing Interchange format


EMF Enhanced Windows Metafile
ENC Encore file
EPS Encapsulated PostScript image
ER1 ERWin file
ERX ERWin file
EVY Envoy document
EWL Microsoft Encarta document
EXE Executable file (program)


F77 FORTRAN file
F90 FORTRAN file
FAR Farandole Composer music module (MOD) file
FAV Microsoft Outlook navigation bar
FAX FAX Type image
FH3 Aldus Freehand 3 drawing
FIF Fractal image file
FITS CCD camera image
FLC AutoDesk FLIC animation
FLI AutoDesk FLIC animation
FLT Corel filter
FLT StarTrekker music module (MOD) file
FMB Oracle binary source code for form, version 4.0 and later
FMT Oracle text format of form, version 4.0 and later
FMT Microsoft Schedule+ print file
FMX Oracle executable form, version 4.0 and later
FOG Fontographer font
FON System font
FOT Font-related file
FP FileMaker Pro file
FP1 Flying Pigs for Windows data file
FP3 FileMaker Pro file
FPX FlashPix bitmap
FRM Form
FRM FrameMaker or FrameBuilder document
FRM Oracle executable form version 3.0 and earlier
FRM Visual Basic form
FRM WordPerfect Merge form
FRX Visual Basic form stash file


GAL Corel Multimedia Manager album
GCP Ground Control Point file used in image processing of remote sensing data .
GED Graphic Environment Document (drawing)
GEM GEM metafile
GEN Ventura-Generated text file
GFC Patton&Patton Flowcharting 4 flowchart file
GFI Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
GFX Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
GID Windows 95 global index file (containing help status)
GIF CompuServe bitmap
GIM Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
GIX Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
GNA Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
GNX Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
GRA Microsoft Graph
GRD Grid file, used in image processing of remote sensing data often to form map projections.  GRP Program Manager Group
GTK Graoumftracker (old) music module (MOD) file
GT2 Graoumftracker (new) music module (MOD) file
GWX Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
GWZ Genigraphics Graphics Link presentation
GZ Unix Gzip compressed file


H C program header
HED HighEdit document
HEL Microsoft Hellbender saved game
HEX Macintosh BinHex 2.0 file
HGL HP Graphics Language drawing
HLP Help file
HOG Lucas Arts Dark Forces WAD file
HPJ Visual Basic Help Project
HPP C++ program header
HQX Macintosh BinHex 4.0 file
HST History file
HT HyperTerminal
HTM Hypertext document
HTML Hypertext document
HTX Extended HTML template


ICA Citrix file
ICB Targa bitmap
ICM Image Color Matching profile file
ICO Windows Icon
IDD MIDI Instrument Definition
IDQ Internet Data Query file
IGF Inset Systems metafile
IIF QuickBooks for Windows interchange file
IMA WinImage file
IMG GEM image
INC Assembler language or Active Server include file
INF Information file
INI Initialization file
INP Oracle source code for form, version 3.0 and earlier
INS InstallShield install script
INS X-Internet sign-up file
ISO Lists the files on a CD-ROM; based on the ISO 9660 CD-ROM file system standard
ISP X-Internet sign-up file
ISU InstallShield uninstall script
IT Impulse Tracker music module (MOD) file
IW Idlewild screensaver


JAR Java ARchive file (a compressed file for applets and related files)
JAVA Java source code
JBF Paint Shop Pro image browser file
JFF JPEG bitmap
JIF JPEG bitmap
JMP SAS JMPDiscovery chart-to-statistics file
JN1 Epic MegaGames Jill of the Jungle data file
JPEG JPEG bitmap
JPG JPEG bitmap
JS JavaScript source code
JTF JPEG bitmap


KDC Kodak Photo-Enhancer
KFX KoFax Group 4 image
KYE Kye game data


LBM Deluxe Paint bitmap
LDB Microsoft Access lock file
LEG Legacy document
LHA Alternate file suffix for LZH
LIB Library
LIS Output file produced by a Structured Query Reporting (SQR) program
LOG 1. Log file
LOG 2. Log file used by pokerstars for errors in their poker software
LPD Helix Nuts and Bolts file
LRC Intel Video Phone file
LST List file
LWO Lightwave Object file
LWP Lotus Wordpro 96/97 file
LZH LH ARC compressed archive
LZS Skyroads data file


MAD Microsoft Access module
MAF Microsoft Access Form
MAK Visual Basic or MS Visual C++ Project
MAM Microsoft Access Macro
MAP Map file
MAP Duke Nukem 3D WAD game file
MAQ Microsoft Access Query
MAR Microsoft Access Report
MAS Lotus Freelance Graphics Smartmaster file
MAT Microsoft Access Table
MAX Paperport file
MAZ Hover maze data
MB1 Apogee Monster Bash data file
MCC Dialer10 calling card
MCS MathCAD image
MCW Microsoft Word for Macintosh document
MDA Microsoft Access add-in
MDB Microsoft Access database
MDE Microsoft Access MDE file
MDL Digital Tracker music module (MOD) file
MDL Quake model file
MDN Microsoft Access blank database template
MDW Microsoft Access Workgroup
MDZ Microsoft Access wizard template
MED Music Editor, OctaMED music module (MOD) file
MER Format for interchanging spreadsheet/database data; recognized by Filemaker, Excel, and others
MET Presentation Manager metafile
MI Miscellaneous
MIC Microsoft Image Composer file
MID MIDI music
MMF Microsoft Mail File
MMM Microsoft Multimedia Movie
MOD FastTracker, StarTrekker, Noise Tracker (etc.) music module file
MOD Microsoft Multiplan spreadsheet
MOV QuickTime for Windows movie
MPE MPEG animation
MPEG MPEG animation
MPG MPEG animation
MPP Microsoft Project file
MPP CAD drawing file format
MP3 MPEG Audio Layer 3 (AC3) file
MSG Microsoft Mail message
MSN Microsoft Network document
MSP Microsoft Paint bitmap
MTM MultiTracker music module (MOD) file
MUS Music
MVB Microsoft Multimedia Viewer file
MWP Lotus Wordpro 97 Smartmaster file


NAP NAP Metafile
NCB Microsoft Developer Studio file
NSF Lotus Notes database
NST Noise Tracker music module (MOD) file
NTF Lotus Notes database template


OBD Microsoft Office binder template
OBD Microsoft Office Binder
OBJ Object file
OBZ Microsoft Office Binder Wizard
OCX Microsoft Object Linking and Embedding custom control
OFN Microsoft Office FileNew file
OFT Microsoft Outlook template
OKT Oktalyzer music module (MOD) file
OLB OLE Object Library
OLE OLE object
OPT Microsoft Developer Studio file
ORG Lotus Organiser file
OR2 Lotus Organiser 2 file
OR3 Lotus Organiser 97 file


P10 Tektronix Plot 10 drawing
PAB Microsoft Personal Address Book
PAK Quake WAD file
PAL Windows colour palette
PAT Corel Draw pattern
PBK Microsoft Phonebook
PBM Portable Bitmap
PCD Kodak Photo-CD image
PCL HP Laserjet bitmap
PCS PICS animation
PCT Macintosh PICT drawing
PCX ZSoft PC Paintbrush bitmap
PDF Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format or Netware Printer Definition File
PDF Package Definition File from Microsoft Systems Management Server
PDQ Patton&Patton Flowcharting PDQ Lite file
PFA Type 1 font (ASCII)
PFB Type 1 font (binary)
PFC PF Component
PFM Printer Font Metrics
PGL HP Plotter drawing
PGM Portable Graymap (bitmap)
PIC PC Paint bitmap
PIC Lotus picture
PIC Macintosh PICT drawing
PIF Program Information File
PIF IBM PIF drawing
PIG Lucas Arts Dark Forces WAD file
PIN Epic Pinball data file
PIN Epic Pinball data file
PIX Inset Systems bitmap
PJ MKS Source Integrity file
PKG Microsoft Developer Studio application extension (similar to a DLL file)
PL Perl program
PLT HPGL Plotter drawing
PLT AutoCAD Plot drawing
PM5 Pagemaker 5.0 file
PM6 Pagemaker 6.0 file
P65 Pagemaker 6.5 file
PNG Portable Network Graphics bitmap
PNG Paint Shop Pro Browser catalogue
PNT MacPaint graphic file
POT Microsoft PowerPoint Template
PP4 Picture Publisher 4 bitmap
PPA Microsoft PowerPoint Add-in
PPM Portable Pixelmap bitmap
PPS Microsoft PowerPoint slide show
PPT Microsoft PowerPoint presentation
PRE Lotus Freelance presentation
PRF Windows system file
PRN Print Table (space delimited text)
PRS Harvard Graphics for Windows presentation
PRZ Lotus Freelance Graphics 97 file
PS Postscript Interpreted drawing
PSD Adobe Photoshop bitmap
PST Microsoft Outlook Personal Folder File
PTM Polytracker music module (MOD) file
PUB Ventura Publisher publication
PUB Microsoft Publisher document
PWD Microsoft Pocket Word document
PWZ Microsoft PowerPoint Wizard
PXL Microsoft Pocket Excel spreadsheet


QAD PF QuickArt Document
QBW QuickBooks for Windows file
QDT Quick Books data file from the Quicken UK Accountancy/Tax/Invoice program
QLB Quick Library
QRY Microsoft Query
QT QuickTime Movie
QTM QuickTime Movie
QXD Quark XPress file


R Pegasus Mail resource file
RA Real Audio sound
RAM Real Audio sound
RAS Sun Raster Images bitmap
RAW Raw File Format (bitmap)
RC Microsoft Visual C++ Resource Script
REC Recorder macro
REG Registration file
RES Microsoft Visual C++ Resource
RLE Run-Length Encoded bitmap
RM Real Audio video file
RMI MIDI music
ROV Rescue Rover data file
RPT Microsoft Visual Basic Crystal Reports file
RTF Rich Text Format document
RTM Real Tracker music module (MOD) file


SAM Ami Professional document
SAV Saved game file
SCC Microsoft Source Safe file
SCD Matrix/Imapro SCODL slide image
SCD Microsoft Schedule+ 7
SCH Microsoft Schedule+ 1
SCN trueSpace2 scene
SCP Dial-Up Networking Script
SCR Windows screensaver
SCR Fax image
SCT Scitex CT bitmap
SC2 Microsoft Schedule+ 7
SDL SmartDraw library
SDR SmartDraw drawing
SDT SmartDraw template
SEA Self-expanding archive (used by Stuffit for Mac files and possibly by others)
SEP Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) bitmap
SHB Corel Show presentation
SHB Document shortcut file
SHG Hotspot bitmap
SHS Shell scrap file
SHW Corel Show presentation
SIT Stuffit archive of Mac files
SLK Symbolic Link (SYLK) spreadsheet
SND NeXT sound
SND Mac Sound Resource
SQC Structured Query Language (SQR) common code file
SQR Structured Query Language (SQR) program file
STM Scream Tracker music module (MOD) file
STY Ventura Publisher style sheet
SVX Amiga 8SVX sound
SYS System file
S3M Scream Tracker 3 music module (MOD) file


TAR Tape Archive
 TAZ Unix Gzip/Tape Archive
TEX Texture file
TGA Targa bitmap
TGZ Unix Gzip/Tape Archive
THEME Windows 95 Desktop Theme
THN Graphics Workshop for Windows thumbnail
TIF Tag Image File Format (TIFF) bitmap
TIFF Tag Image File Format (TIFF) bitmap
TIG Tiger file, used by US government to distribute maps
TLB OLE Type Library
TMP Windows temporary file
TRM Terminal file
TRN MKS Source Integrity project usage log
TTF TrueType font
TWF TabWorks file
TWW Tagwrite Template
TXT Text
T2T Sonata CAD modelling software file


UDF Windows NT Uniqueness Database File
ULT Ultratracker music module (MOD) file
URL Internet shortcut
USE MKS Source Integrity file


VBP Visual Basic Project
VBW Microsoft Visual Basic workspace
VBX Visual Basic custom control
VCF Vevi Configuration File; defines objects for use with Sense8's WorldToolKit
VDA Targa bitmap
VI Virtual Instrument file from National Instruments LABView product
VLB Corel Ventura Library
VOC Creative Labs Sound Blaster sound
VP Ventura Publisher publication
VSD Visio drawing (flow chart or schematic)
VST Targa bitmap
VSW Visio Workspace file
VXD Microsoft Windows virtual device driver


WAD Large file for Doom game containing video, player level, and other information
WAV Windows Waveform sound
WB1 QuattroPro for Windows spreadsheet
WB2 QuattroPro for Windows spreadsheet
WBK Microsoft Word Backup
WBL Argo WebLoad II upload file
WCM WordPerfect Macro
WDB Microsoft Works database
WEB CorelXara Web document
WGP Wild Board Games data file
WID Ventura width table
WIL WinImage file
WIZ Microsoft Word Wizard
WK1 Lotus 123 versions 1 & 2 spreadsheet
WK3 Lotus 123 version 3 spreadsheet
WK4 Lotus 123 version 4 spreadsheet
WKS Lotus 123 Worksheet spreadsheet
WKS Microsoft Works document
WLF Argo WebLoad I upload file
WLL Microsoft Word Add-In
WMF Windows Metafile
WOW Grave Composer music module (MOD) file
WP WordPerfect document
WPW Novel PerfectWorks document
WP4 WordPerfect 4 document
WP5 WordPerfect 5 document
WP6 WordPerfect 6 document
WPD WordPerfect Demo
WPD WordPerfect Document
WPG WordPerfect Graphic
WPS Microsoft Works document
WPT WordPerfect Template
WQ1 QuattroPro/DOS spreadsheet
WQ2 QuattroPro/DOS version 5 spreadsheet
WRI Write document
WRL Virtual Reality model
WS1 WordStar for Windows 1 document
WS2 WordStar for Windows 2 document
WS3 WordStar for Windows 3 document
WS4 WordStar for Windows 4 document
WS5 WordStar for Windows 5 document
WS6 WordStar for Windows 6 document
WS7 WordStar for Windows 7 document
WSD WordStar 2000 document
WVL Wavelet Compressed Bitmap


XAR Corel Xara drawing
XLA Microsoft Excel add-in
XLB Microsoft Excel toolbar
XLC Microsoft Excel chart
XLD Microsoft Excel dialogue
XLK Microsoft Excel backup
XLM Microsoft Excel macro
XLS Microsoft Excel worksheet
XLT Microsoft Excel template
XLV Microsoft Excel VBA module
XLW Microsoft Excel workbook / workspace
XM FastTracker 2, Digital Tracker music module (MOD) file
XR1 Epic MegaGames Xargon data file
XTP XTree data file
XY3 XYWrite III document
XY4 XYWrite IV document
XYP XYWrite III Plus document
XYW XYWrite for Windows 4.0 document


YAL Arts & Letters clipart library
YBK Microsoft Encarta Yearbook


Z Unix Gzip
ZIP Zip file
ZOO An early compressed file format

Numbers and Symbols

000-999 Used to number old versions of files and number related data files
12M Lotus 123 97 Smartmaster file
123 Lotus 123 97 file
2GR and 3GR VGA Graphics driver/configuration files under Windows
386 A file for use in an 80386 or higher microprocessor
669 Composer 669, Unis Composer music mod file
#01 and higher A method of numbering picture files for a roll of film that has been scanned  $$$ Used by OS/2 to keep track of archived files @@@ Screen files used in the installation and instruction on use of applications

Source - Tips & Tricks

Convert Text into audio using notepad

Dear readers , here i am posting one code with the help of that code you can convert text in to audio using notepad.
open notepad and paste the bellow code in notepad and save it as anything.vbs.


Dim msg, sapi
msg=InputBox("ENTER THE TEXT–","Text-To-Audio Converter by Nisarg :)")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg


Now it is very easy to remove bad sectors. Great opportunities for Computer Repairers just download and write ISO to disk and start removing bad sectors. click here to download

Friday, 3 August 2012

Facebook Shortcuts

Facebook Shortcuts ->

For Mozila Firefox Users :-

Shift + Alt + # ( in place of # you have to put correspondence Number given below)

Exp :- shift + alt + 1 -- home

0 - Help
1 - Home
2 - Profile
3 - Friends
4 - Inbox
5 – Notifications
6 – Account Settings
7 - Privacy
8 - About
9 - Terms

Convert Text into audio using notepad

Convert Text into audio using notepad
Dear readers , here i am posting one code with the help of that code you can convert text in to audio using notepad.
open notepad and paste the bellow code in notepad and save it as anything.vbs.


Dim msg, sapi
msg=InputBox("ENTER THE TEXT–Nisarg Gajjar","Text-To-Audio Converter by Tech Tips :)")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg

Clear history in single click

Tip to clear all windows history files with a single click

This tip will help you to manage the all types of user history in windows operating system.
This is a built-in feature of all windows keeps track the user's history, for example the
websites you have visited, the documents you have opened and the keywords or files
for which you've searched. However this tip is very useful for you,
if you 
are sharing your computer with others or you do not want that the other persons
know about your last visited documents history. You can clear these kinds
of user's history with a single click on desktop icon named Cleanmru.reg.
There is no need to clear each history file one by one. This trick will work in
nearly all of the windows versions like windows 2000, XP and 2003.

Follow the given steps for configuration to clear recently opened documents automatically:
To edit the computer registry, first you should log onto your computer with administrative rights.
Here copy the following 6 lines and paste in notepad then save with the name Cleanmru.reg on your desktop.
[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs]
[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Search Assistant\ACMru]

When you double-click Cleanmru.reg icon to remove the windows history, a small dialog box will appear with the information "Are you sure you want to add the information in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\desktop\Clearmru.reg to the registry?"
At the end, you will get the message "Information in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\desktop\Clearmru.reg has been successfully entered into the registry." Click on Ok button and verify that your all history will have been clear.

Firefox tricks

Firefox tricks:-

1. faster loading

network.http.pipelining = true
network.http.proxy.pipeling = true
network.http.pipelining.maxrequest= 50 
nglayout.initialpaint.delay = 0

2. for USB or portable media 
browser.cache.disk.enable = false
browser.cache.memory.capacity = as much ram as you can ...

3. tunnel dns
To prevent Firefox from doing NS lookups enter {{about:config}} in the URL text field
and double click on the {{network.proxy.socks_remote_dns}} to set it to true.

Saturday, 9 June 2012